DAY 445The use of space is integral to all sorts of things, including the workings of armies, air forces and navies, but its role in GPS—or, for that matter, Google Maps—barely merits a mention. Some companies make money from putting satellites into orbit, and not just the kind that do things for governments. But there is an undeniable bathos to the fact that the biggest business in a realm once synonymous with human transcendence is providing viewers on Earth with umpty-seven channels of satellite TV.Now that is changing. The technological progress (that has put supercomputers into the pockets of half the world) has made it possible do a lot more in orbit with much smaller spacecraft.
integral 必需的,不可或缺的 (~to sth)
for that matter 同样如此(used for emphasizing that sth else is also true)
bathos 突降
synonymous ①同义的;②(~ with sth) 等同于……的
transcendence 卓越,杰出,伟大
umpty-seven umpty (probably alteration of –enty)
要正确理解破折号之间的含义,Google Maps与GPS显然不是等同关系。第一小段的最后一句较为复杂,分析句式之后就会清晰许多。
Now, all eyes are on the G20. As an important forum for cooperation among developed countries, emerging markets and developing countries, the G20 plays a key role in leading and advancing international economic cooperation. It should act with a broad vision and deliver concrete outcomes. It should address critical issues affecting the global economy and endeavor to promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth.
国际社会将目光投向二十国集团 all eyes are on the G20
谋大势 act with a broad vision
做实事 deliver concrete outcomes
解决世界经济的突出问题 address critical issues affecting the global economy
DAY 446FIFTY years ago American companies started to move their Headquarters away from city centres to the suburbs. Some critics blamed the exodus on “white flight”, as businesses followed their employees out of increasingly crime-ridden cities. The firms themselves ascribed it to corporate responsibility. They provided offices in safe neighbourhoods and near good schools—one academic, Louise Mozingo, of the University of California, Berkeley, calls it “pastoral capitalism”. Whatever the reason, it created a new type of HQ: not an office tower in the pumping heart of a metropolis but a leafy campus in the middle of nowhere.
-ridden 充满(某种不良事物)的,满是……的
pastoral 田园的,乡村生活的
middle of nowhere 偏远的地方(an extremely remote and isolated place)
white flight的时代背景,exodus的典故由来,大家感兴趣的话可以了解一下。
These efforts are already paying off. The services sector, accounting for half of China's GDP, keeps widening its lead over manufacturing. Entrepreneurship and innovation are the new fashion. Over 10,000 new businesses are registered every day. Growth in high-tech industries is leading that of the industrial sector by a wide margin. Innovations in technology, business models and management keep widening the economic horizon in previously unimaginable ways.
收到成效 pay off
增速明显快于 lead by a wide margin
拓宽中国经济的地平线 widen the economic horizon
DAY 447Now a growing number of companies are moving back again. The most prominent example is General Electric, which abandoned New York City for a 68-acre campus in Fairfield, Connecticut, in 1974, but is now swapping its bucolic site for a collection of warehouses on the Boston waterfront. There are legions more. Chicago's downtown has attracted an impressive collection of HQs, from both the surrounding suburbs and from farther afield, including McDonald's, Kraft Heinz, Motorola Solutions, ,and Archer Daniels Midland, a food-commodities giant. Zappos, an online retailer, has moved from an office park outside Las Vegas into the city's old downtown. Biogen moved from Cambridge, Massachusetts, to the Boston suburbs in 2011 only to re-turn a year later. Many tech companies were born urban and couldn't be any other way. Twitter and Sales force are in downtown San Francisco, and Jeff Bezos is building a huge campus for Amazon in downtown Seattle.
如今,越来越多的公司正迁回市中心。最典型的例子就是通用电气,1974年通用电气离开纽约,在康涅狄格州的费尔菲尔德购置了68英亩的土地(约412.8亩)。谁料如今它又用既有的郊区土地换取了波士顿滨水区的仓库群。这样的例子还有很多:芝加哥市中心也吸引了大量(附近)郊区和远郊的公司总部来此落户,例如麦当劳(McDonald's)、卡夫亨氏(Kraft Heinz)、摩托罗拉(Motorola Solutions)、以及粮食巨头阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰(Archer Daniels Midland)。电商Zappos已经将办公室从拉斯维加斯郊区搬到老城中心。2011年百健艾笛(Biogen)从马塞诸塞州的剑桥市迁入波士顿郊区,仅一年就又迁了回来。而许多科技公司一开始就在城市创办,并无其他选择。此外,推特(Twitter)以及Salesforce的总部也坐落于旧金山市中心,与此同时,亚马逊的首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)正在西雅图市中心新建一片办公园区。
swap 交换(东西) swap A for B 用A交换B
bucolic 乡村的,田园的
farther afield 去远处,在远方
这一段难度不大,但有一个小细节,Chicago's downtown & downtown San Francisco,同样是downtown这个词,放在不同的位置,也可以做到让表达更加多样。
A successful international agreement should not just address immediate challenges but more importantly, it should also present a vision for the future. The Paris agreement should focus on strengthening post-2020 global actions on climate change and boost global efforts to pursue sustainable development.The Paris agreement should help meet the goals of the UNFCCC and chart the course for green development. The agreement should follow the principles and rules set out in the UNFCCC and contribute to its full and effective implementation. The agreement should put effective control on the increase of atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases and set up incentive mechanisms to encourage countries to purse green, circular and low-carbon development featuring both economic growth and an effective response to climate change.
解决当下矛盾 address immediate challenges
引领未来 present a vision for the future
the UNFCCC联合国气候变化框架公约
引领绿色发展 chart the course for green development
推进公约全面有效实施 contribute to its full and effective implementation
大气温室气体浓度 atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases
DAY 448City boosters are delighted. “This is better than hosting the Olympics,” says Shirley Leung, a columnist with the Boston Globe, of GE's move. Corporate executives sound like graduate students after their first reading of “The Rise of the Creative Class” by Richard Florida, an urbanophile intellectual. Jeff Immelt, GE's Chief executive, says that “we want to be at the centre of an ecosystem that shares our aspiration”, and notes that Boston attracts “a diverse, technologically fluent workforce”. Ann Klee, who is helping to oversee GE's move to Boston, says that the new headquarters will do without a car park, in order to encourage workers to use public transport. It will dispense with security gates and wants the public to come in. Greg Brown, the CEO of Motorola Solutions, commends downtown Chicago for its “energy, vibrancy and diversity”.
城市发展的支持者对此欢呼雀跃,为通用电气搬迁撰文的专栏作家雪莉•莱翁(Shirley Leung)表示,“如此多的公司迁回城市胜过举办一场奥运会。”各公司高管如同初阅城市派学者理查德•佛罗里达(Richard Florida)的《创意阶层的崛起》的毕业生一般。通用首席执行官杰夫•伊梅尔特(JeffImmelt,)表示,“我们要处于共享诉求的生态系统中心。”他还补充道,波士顿吸引了大量的多方面技术型人才。负责通用搬迁工作的安•克莱称:为鼓励员工乘坐公共交通,新总部不会建停车场,公司将不再修建安全门,以便普通民众进出。摩托罗拉的首席执行官雷格•布朗称:“(我们选择芝加哥市中心)是因为其拥有能量、活力和多样性。”
-phile 爱好……的人,亲……的 (-phobe 厌恶……的人,仇……的人)
dispense with sb/sth 摒弃,不再需要,不再用 (do away with)
“we want to be at the centre of an ecosystem that shares our aspiration”一句,个人有不同看法。share我理解的是have sth in common,与“命运共同体”含义相近。
We will ensure the development of some industries while restricting the growth of others, cut overcapacity, support business acquisitions and restructuring, and let market competition determine which businesses survive. We will promote the extensive application of information technologies in industrialization, develop and utilize networking, digitalization, and smart technologies, and work to develop certain key areas first and make breakthroughs in these areas.
有保有压 ensure the development of some industries while restricting the growth of others
化解过剩产能 cut overcapacity
在市场竞争中优胜劣汰→让市场竞争决定优胜劣汰 let market competition determine which businesses survive
深度融合 extensive application
DAY 449Is the new urbanism all it is cracked up to be? It is easy to find counter-trends, given America's size and variety: many CEOs continue to see a future in the suburbs of the Sunbelt. ExxonMobil is building a headquarters for 10,000 people in the outskirts of Houston. Toyota is moving its North American headquarters from Torrance, California, to suburban Dallas. There is also tax-and-benefits arbitrage going on: over the past decades, the suburbs have become complacent and downtowns have got hungrier. GE's affection for its old home in Connecticut was no doubt weakened by the state's decision in 2015 to raise business taxes by $750m. Boston provided an estimated $145m in incentives to secure the deal.
all it is cracked up to be 像人们说的一样好(as good as people say it is)
the Sunbelt 阳光地带(美国南部和西南部地区)
outskirts (市镇的)边缘地带,市郊
There is also tax-and-benefits arbitrage going on一句是我练习时遇到的一道坎。但从行文来看,这一句似乎与后文联系更为紧密。虽然能找到与“企业转战城市”相反的趋势,但GE因为康涅狄格州提高税赋而迁出,而波士顿拨出了上亿款项吸引GE来此落户。这正好呼应了前一句the complacent suburbs and the hungrier downtowns,即郊区因骄傲自满[而增税],市区因渴望(企业来此发展)[而提供福利]。希望能够帮助大家理解。
We will fully promote the law-based governance of the country; move more swiftly to build an innovative, clean, service-oriented rule of law government; enhance the government's administrative capacity and public credibility; and modernize China's governance system and capacity for governance.We will exercise governance in accordance with the Constitution and other laws and bring all government work in line with the rule of law. The Constitution is the fundamental guide on which our every action should be based; governments at all levels and their employees must faithfully observe it.
全面推进依法治国 fully promote the law-based governance of the country
执行力 administrative capacity
公信力 public credibility
纳入 bring in line with
最近读过一篇文章讲“政府工作报告中的语气弱化现象”,“坚持”一词就为其中一例。文中提到,我们常说的persist in与insist on语气太强,为使译文更容易被英语读者接受,在工作报告中,“坚持”一词常省略不译,或者替换为语气较弱的词汇,如committed to,stick to,ensure等。
DAY 450 Weekly TaskFederal auto safety regulators on Monday made it official: They are betting the nation's highways will be safer with more cars driven by machines and not people.In long-awaited guidelines for the booming industry of automated vehicles, the Obama administration promised strong safety oversight, but sent a clear signal to automakers that the door was wide open for driverless cars.
long-awaited 期待已久的
“We envision in the future, you can take your hands off the wheel, and your commute becomes restful or productive instead of frustrating and exhausting,” said Jeffrey Zients, director of the National Economic Council, adding that highly automated vehicles “will save time, money and lives.”
“我们设想,在未来,大家可以把双手从方向盘上拿开,出行时不再心情不佳、疲惫不堪,而是能够休息或做其他的有用的事情,”国家经济委员会(National Economic Council)负责人杰弗里•齐恩茨(Jeffrey Zients)表示。他还称,高度自动化的车辆“将能节省时间和金钱,挽救生命。”
commute 上下班路程
National Economic Council国家经济委员会
The statements were the most aggressive signal yet by federal regulators that they see automated car technology as a win for auto safety. Yet having officially endorsed the fast-evolving technology, regulators must now balance the commercial interests of companies including Tesla, Google and Uber with concerns over public safety, especially in light of recent crashes involving semiautonomous cars.
endorse 赞同,支持
in light of 考虑到,鉴于
semiautonomous 半自动的(semi- 半)
The policies unveiled on Monday were designed to walk that line. In a joint appearance, Mr. Zients and Anthony Foxx, secretary of the United States Department of Transportation, released the first guidelines, which outlined safety standards and encouraged uniform rules for the nascent technology. The instructions signaled to motorists that automated vehicles would not be a wild west where companies can try anything without oversight, but were also vague enough that automakers and technology companies would not fear over-regulation.
周一出台的政策即意在达到这种平衡。齐恩茨与联邦运输部长安东尼•福克斯(Anthony Foxx)共同出面,发布了首批指导意见,其中列出了安全标准,并鼓励对这项新兴技术制订统一规则。指导意见向驾车者发出了信号——自动汽车不会是各家公司在没有监管的情况下为所欲为的盲区——但也足够模糊,不会让汽车厂商和科技公司担心监管过度。
outline 概述,略述
nascent 新生的,萌芽的
wild west荒野西部
Driverless and semiautonomous cars have already hit the open roads, forcing regulators to keep up. Tesla, the electric-car maker, has sold tens of thousands of cars with a self-driving feature known as Autopilot. The company has been grappling with the fallout from the death in May of a Florida driver who had the car's Autopilot on, as well as a report last week of another crash in China where the technology was turned on.
grapple with sth 设法解决
fallout 后果,余波
Tesla plans as soon as this week to download new software to its cars. The company's chief executive, Elon Musk, has said the new software will include improvements to Autopilot that could have avoided the fatal accident in May.
特斯拉计划最早在本周让旗下汽车产品下载新软件。公司首席执行官埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)表示,新软件将包含对Autopilot的改进,可以避免5月的那类致命事故。
Uber, the ride-hailing giant, began trials in Pittsburgh last week to let its most loyal customers order rides from driverless cars through their smartphone app. Google has been testing self-driving cars in its hometown Mountain View, Calif., and rivals including Apple are also exploring similar technology.
Last year, there were nearly 40,000 deaths in the United States from auto-related accidents, the deadliest for automotive-related deaths since 2008 and the largest year-over-year percentage increase in 50 years, according to the National Safety Council.
根据国家安全管理委员会(National Safety Council)公布的数据,去年,全美有近4万人死于与汽车有关的事故,是2008年以来死亡人数最高的一年,还取得了50年来最大的同比增幅。
year-over-year percentage increase 同比增幅
National Safety Council 国家安全管理委员会
Karl Brauer, senior editor at Kelley Blue Book, an auto research and valuation company, said the new guidelines strike a balance between ensuring safety as automakers develop self-driving cars and making sure the introduction of lifesaving technology is not delayed unnecessarily.
汽车调研与评估公司凯利蓝皮书(Kelley Blue Book)的高级编辑卡尔•布劳尔(Karl Brauer)表示,新出炉的指导意见权衡了两方面的需求:一方面是汽车厂商开发自动驾驶车辆时要保障安全,另一方面则是确保这种能挽救生命的技术不会在没必要的情况下推迟运用。
strike a balance 找到折中的办法,平衡
个人认为,本周英译汉文本的阅读难度不大,但有些句子想说成流畅的中国话还是有一定难度的。比如第二小段,可提取出背景信息先译。再如最后一段,增译了“一方面,另一方面”,使译文逻辑更加清晰;这一段同时也提醒我们,要成为一名合格的译者,就一定要打破中英词汇一一对应的思维定式,看到汉语“一方面,另一方面”不是一定翻译成“for one thing, and for another”或者“on the one hand, on the other hand”,从原文出发,也许会有更好的处理方式。
As an ancient poem goes, distance cannot divide true friends who feel close even when thousands of miles apart. Though separated by the vast Pacific Ocean, our two peoples enjoy a deep bond of amity and goodwill. As early as the latter half of the 19th century, tens of thousands of Chinese workers came to Canada to help build the Canadian Pacific Railway, which linked up the country's east and west and contributed to Canada's economic and social development. In the 1930s, Norman Bethune, a Canadian doctor, devoted himself to the Chinese people's struggle against Japanese aggression and made the ultimate sacrifice. In the 1970s, defying all odds, the older generation of Chinese and Canadian leaders made the bold and visionary decision to open the door of relations between our countries, making Canada one of the first Western countries to establish diplomatic ties with New China. All these episodes remain fresh in the memory of many Chinese and Canadians.
相知无远近,万里尚为邻 distance cannot divide true friends who feel close even when thousands of miles apart
远见卓识 visionary decision
冲破重重阻力 defying all odds
口口相传的佳话 remain fresh in the memory
Recent years have seen more such handshakes across the Pacific. We decided to set up an annual dialogue between the Premier of China and the Prime Minister of Canada, which will make policy communication between us more timely and effective. China is Canada's second largest trading partner. Bucking the trend of steep decline in global trade, China-Canada trade continued to rise last year. Two-way investment has been booming, evidenced by a 126% increase in the investment by Chinese companies in Canada last year. Our people-to-people exchanges are also growing. Each week 90 or so flights crisscross between us, making possible more than 1.3 million visits between us last year.
在全球贸易额大幅下降的背景下 Bucking the trend of steep decline in global trade
双向投资 Two-way investment
人文交流 people-to-people exchanges
把握住中文的real information,才能使英文译文通顺严谨,该有的都有,该舍弃的要舍弃。如“东西大动脉”和“口口相传的佳话”这样生动的中文,直接转化成英文,反而会词不达意。其实这些都是老生常谈,但想要驾轻就熟,正确的翻译理念+大量实践不可或缺。
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